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Articles and Services



Readers are welcome to download any of my articles, consulting notes, and conference papers that are available on the Articles page of this website. The page also lists my writings or presentations that are published elsewhere.

Please attribute the source if my material is quoted or distributed to third parties, thank you.


Cranaleith Programs


Please check out the website for this retreat center that offers a wide range of inspiring and timely programs that honor the human spirit.

Blog Posts


For those who may wish to keep tabs on my thinking or my experiences, I periodically publish short posts.

Please note that these posts are highly personal, reflecting my own values or professional interests. While I don't assume others will necessarily have the same views as I do, I hope that readers will find my writing respectful and worthy of consideration. I welcome subscribers!


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Advisory Services


I am available on a limited basis to former clients for advisory consultations. To set up an appointment, please contact me by email or phone:

Dr. Marisa Guerin



Interesting Links


I plan to use this space to provide links and short descriptions of useful websites, helpful organizations, people and events that readers may wish to explore further.


Please note that I have no financial interests or business relationships with any of my links or recommendations.


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